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substring dereplication using version 5.2
As noted here, USEARCH v6.0 does not support substring dereplication. However, this feature was implemented  in v5.2, which is still available and will be supported for the foreseeable future. A 32-bit binary for v5.2 can be obtained from the download page by using the drop-down list:


Sequences should be presorted by decreasing length, this can be done using sortbylength in v6 or the equivalent -sort command in v5.

Here is an example command-line.

usearch5.2.32_i86linux32 -cluster seqs.fasta -derep_subseq -minlen 64 \
  -w 32 -dbstep 16 -slots 40000003 -seedsout uniques.fasta

Supported output options include -seedsout (FASTA file for the unique sequences, equivalent to -centroids in v6) and -uc (same as the -uc option in v6). Following are options that should usually be set. See indexing options for an explanation.

v5 option v6 equivalent Description
-w -wordlength Word length.
-slots -slots Number of slots in the hash index. Should be set to a prime number as large as possible given the amount of available memory (see memory requirements).
-dbstep -dbstep Interval between words in a database sequence that are indexed. Default is 1. Increasing this value saves memory.
-minlen (none) Minimum sequence length.

How to choose parameters
The -derep_subseq algorithm is based on USEARCH, so it tests database sequences in order of decreasing number of (indexed) words in common. Parameters should therefore be chosen to ensure that there is at least one word in common between a substring and the full-length sequence in the database. The longest possible word length should be used since this reduces the number of false positives, i.e. sequences with an identical word that do not match over the full length of the shorter sequence. Only one word in common is fine in this situation.

Suppose we tile the database with non-overlapping 32-mers using -w 32 and -dbstep 32. Then a substring of length 64 or more must have at least one matching 32-mer, as shown in the figure below.

As this example shows, if the minimum sequence length is L, we use a word length w <= L/2 and -dbstep w, then we have (1) minimized memory use (we use the fewest possible words by tiling the database) and (2) a substring is guaranteed to have at least one word in common. Note that all words in the query are considered; the -dbstep option only applies to the database sequences. If w is also large enough that random word matches are very unlikely, then this algorithm is usually very effective, but is still heuristic strictly speaking unless we use -maxrejects 0.

There is one small problem I glossed over. If -dbstep 32 is used, the database sequence is not fully covered unless its length is a multiple of 32. There is usually a fragment at the end of length < 32, indicated by /// in the figure. There may be some false negative matches for substrings that match such fragments. This can be mitigated by using a dbstep value that is smaller than w, say w/2.