K-A statistics apply to local alignments only; E-values cannot be computed for global alignments.
According to K-A statistics, the expectation value E for a local alignment with score S is:
E = K q d exp(-LS)
Here, q is the query sequence length, d is the database size in letters, exp is the exponential function and K and L are parameters derived from the alignment scoring parameters. L is called the Lambda parameter. USEARCH does not automatically adjust the K and Lambda parameters if the alignment scoring parameters are changed -- they must be provided on the command line.
Option | Default proteins |
Default nucleotides |
Description |
-ka_gapped_lambda | 0.267 | 1.280 | Lambda parameter for gapped alignments. |
-ka_ungapped_lambda | 0.311 | 1.330 | Lambda parameter for ungapped alignments (HSPs). |
-ka_gapped_k | 0.041 | 0.460 | K parameter for gapped alignments. |
-ka_ungapped_k | 0.128 | 0.621 | K parameter for ungapped alignments (HSPs). |
-ka_dbsize | actual size | actual size | Effective total database size in letters. Most common use is when a database is split into pieces. Then -ka_dbsize should be set to the size of the original database. |