See also
otutab_forest_train command
otutab_forest_kfold command
otutab_forest_classify command is used to predict metadata categories for
samples in an OTU table
using a random forest which was previously
trained on an OTU table (or feature table) with known categories.
The OTU table filename is specified following otutab_forest_classify.
The random forest parameter file is specified by the -forestin option. The parameter file is generated by running forest_train or otutab_forest_train.
Predictions are written to a tabbed text file specified by the -tabbedout option. There are three fields:
#1. Observation label (typically, sample name).
#2. Predicted
#3. Confidence (P).
Confidence values are in the range 0 (low confidence) to 1 (high confidence).
usearch -otutab_forest_classify otutab.txt -forestin
forest.txt \
-tabbedout predictions.txt