Field |
Name |
Description |
1 |
Score |
Higher score means more strongly chimeric
alignment. |
2 |
Q |
Query label. |
3 |
A |
Parent A label. |
4 |
B |
Parent B label. |
5 |
T |
Top parent (T) label. This is the closest reference
sequence; usually either A or B. |
6 |
IdQM |
Percent identity of query and the model (M) constructed
as a segment of A and a segment of B. |
7 |
IdQA |
Percent identity of Q and A. |
8 |
IdQA |
Percent identity of Q and B. |
9 |
IdAB |
Percent identity of A and B |
10 |
IdQT |
Percent identity of Q and T. |
11 |
LY |
Yes votes in left segment. |
12 |
LN |
No votes in left segment. |
13 |
LA |
Abstain votes in left segment. |
14 |
RY |
Yes votes in right segment. |
15 |
RN |
No votes in right segment. |
16 |
RA |
Abstain votes in right segment. |
17 |
Div |
Divergence, defined as (IdQM - IdQT). |
18 |
YN |
Y, N or ?, indicating whether the query was classified as
chimeric (Y), not chimeric (N) or borderline case (?). The query is classified
as chimeric if h >= threshold specified by
-minh, Div > minimum divergence specified by ‑mindiv and the
number of diffs ( (Y+N+A) in each segment (L and R) is greater than
the minimum specified by -mindiffs. A query is unclassified if the maxh > h >
minh, i.e. maxh is the maximum score for a non-chimera, and minh is the minimum
score for a chimera; in between is unclassified. |