See also
What's new in
version 9
What's new in version 8
What's new in version 7
Improved OTU / denoising analysis protocol
Pipeline documentation
OTU quality control
New algorithms
UNBIAS correct
for abundance bias in a OTU table
SEARCH_16S find 16S genes in
contigs and chromosomes
predict attributes (traits) from marker gene sequences
New commands
calculate rarefaction curves for alpha
diversity metrics
closed_ref closed-reference OTU assignment
fasta_explode create separate
file for every sequence in a FASTA file
fasta_stripgaps remove gaps
from FASTA file
fastq_sra_splitpairs recover R1 and R2 reads from concatenated or
interleaved SRA
fastx2qiime convert
sample identifiers from usearch to QIIME format
fastx_demux assign reads to samples
(demultiplex) using embedded barcodes or index
fastx_getlabels extract
sequence labels from FASTA or FASTQ file
get sample names in read labels, useful for checking correct formatting
fastx_relabel re-label sequences
in FASTA or FASTQ file
fastx_strip_annots remove usearch-style annotations from sequence
fastx_uniques_persample find unique sequences per sample
filter_lowc Filter low-complexity
otutab generate OTU table
otutab_group combine (sum) counts
for groups of samples
otutab_merge merge OTU tables by matching OTU and
sample identifiers
otutab_sortotus sort OTU table by decreasing OTU size
otutab_subsample subsample
(rarefy) OTU table to smaller number of reads
qiimemap2otutab convert QIIME
map file to OTU table
find 16S genes in contigs and chromosomes
sinaps predict attributes (traits) from
marker gene sequences
sintax_summary taxonomy summary for making figures
filter chimeras in denoised amplicon sequences
udb2bitvec create bit vector index
for search_16s command
correct for abundance bias
unoise3 denoise amplicon reads
(improved algorithm)