allpairs_global | All-vs-all global alignment | |
allpairs_local | All-vs-all local alignment | |
alpha_div | Calculate alpha diversity metrics | |
annot | Annotate sequences as known, contaminant or chimeric | |
beta_div | Calculate beta diversity metrics | |
calc_distmx | Calculate distance matrix | |
calc_distmx_smallmem | Calculate distance matrix using memory-saving method | |
cluster_agg | Agglomerative clustering, input is sequences | |
cluster_aggd | Agglomerative clustering, input is distance matrix | |
cluster_edges | Construct connected components from graph edges | |
cluster_fast | Greedy clustering (UCLUST algorithm) | |
cluster_otus | OTU clustering with chimera filtering (UPARSE-OTU algorithm) | |
cluster_otus_utax | OTU clustering by taxonomy prediction (UTAX algorithm) | |
cluster_smallmem | Greedy clustering (UCLUST algorithm) | |
derep_fulllength | Find unique sequences and abundances (old name for fastx_uniques) | |
draw_tree | Converts tree to human-readable text file | |
fastq_chars | Reports frequencies of Phred (Q) scores in FASTQ file | |
fastq_eestats | Expected error distribution in FASTQ file (long report) | |
fastq_eestats2 | Expected error distribution in FASTQ file (short report) | |
fastq_filter | Quality filter FASTQ and/or convert reads to FASTA format. | |
fastq_join | Concatenate forward (R1) and reverse (R2) reads | |
fastq_mergepairs | Merge (assemble) paired reads with overlaps | |
fastx_demux | Assign reads to samples using index reads (demultiplex) | |
fastx_findorfs | Find Open Reading Frames (ORFs) in FASTX file | |
fastx_getseq | Extract sequence(s) by label from FASTX file | |
fastx_getseqs | Extract sequence(s) by label from FASTX file | |
fastx_getsubseq | Extract subsequence by label and start-stop coordinates from FASTX file | |
fastx_info | Summarize contents of FASTX file | |
fastx_learn | Estimate error rates for amplicon reads | |
fastx_mask | Low-complexity masking | |
fastx_revcomp | Reverse-complement nucleotide sequences | |
fastx_split | Split FASTX file into two or more roughly equal-size pieces | |
fastx_subsample | Extract random subset of sequences in a FASTX file | |
fastx_truncate | Truncate sequences | |
fastx_uniques | Find unique sequences and abundances | |
filter_phix | Filter PhiX sequences | |
makeudb_sintax | Create database index for sintax | |
makeudb_ublast | Create database index for ublast | |
makeudb_usearch | Create database index for usearch_global and uchime | |
makeudb_utax | Create database index for utax | |
orient | Orient nt sequences to the same strand as a database | |
otutab2biom | Convert tabbed-text OTU table to BIOM v1 format | |
otutab_counts2freqs | Convert OTU table from counts to frequencies. | |
otutab_freqs2counts | Convert OTU table from frequencies to counts | |
otutab_norm | Normalize OTU table counts to same number of reads per sample | |
otutab_otu_subset | Extract subset of OTUs | |
otutab_sample_subset | Extract subset of samples | |
otutab_stats | Report summary statistics for OTU table | |
otutab_trim | Delete low-abundance counts, samples and OTUs | |
pairs_global | Make pair-wise global alignments | |
pairs_local | Make pair-wise local alignments | |
sam_filter | Convert SAM alignments to BLAST6 or human-readable format | |
search_exact | Search for full-length identical database sequences | |
search_global | Search database (global alignments, no index) | |
search_local | Search database (local alignments, no index) | |
search_oligodb | Find matches to short nt sequences e.g. primers | |
search_pcr | Search for amplicons (matches to primer pairs) | |
search_peptidedb | Find matches to short a.a. sequences e.g. peptides | |
search_phix | Screen input for matches to PhiX genome | |
sintax | Predict taxonomy | |
sortbylength | Sort by decresing sequence length | |
sortbysize | Sort by decresing abundance (size= annotations) | |
tree2distmx | Generate distance matrix from tree | |
tree_cvt | Convert between Newick and tabbed formats | |
ublast | Fast database search (local alignment similar to BLAST) | |
uchime2_denovo | Filter chimeras in denoised amplicon sequences | |
uchime2_ref | Find chimeras by database search | |
udb2fasta | Extract sequences from UDB file | |
udbinfo | Report index parameters used to make UDB file | |
uncross | Detect cross-talk from OTU table | |
unoise | Correct errors (denoise) amplicon reads, includes phix and chimera filters | |
unoise2 | Correct errors (denoise) amplicon reads, includes phix and chimera filters | |
uparse_ref | Classify mock community sequences (recognizes chimeras and read errors) | |
usearch_global | Fast database search (indexed, global alignment) | |
usearch_local | Fast database search (indexed, local alignment) | |
utax | Predict taxonomy |