Field |
Name |
Description |
1 |
Score |
Higher score means more strongly chimeric
alignment. |
2 |
Q |
Query label. |
3 |
A |
Parent A label. |
4 |
B |
Parent B label. |
5 |
IdQM |
Percent identity of query and the model (M) constructed
as a segment of A and a segment of B. |
6 |
IdQA |
Percent identity of Q and A. |
7 |
IdQA |
Percent identity of Q and B. |
8 |
IdAB |
Percent identity of A and B |
9 |
IdQT |
Percent identity of Q and T. |
10 |
LY |
Yes votes in left segment. |
11 |
LN |
No votes in left segment. |
12 |
LA |
Abstain votes in left segment. |
13 |
RY |
Yes votes in right segment. |
14 |
RN |
No votes in right segment. |
15 |
RA |
Abstain votes in right segment. |
16 |
Div |
Divergence, defined as (IdQM - IdQT). |
17 |
YN? |
Y, N or ?, indicating whether the query was classified as
chimeric (Y), not chimeric (N) or unclassified (?). Unclassified means that the
evidence is borderline or the query appears to be too far from the reference
database (uchime_ref only). |