Extut tutorial MiSeq 2x250 PE reads, "Extreme" mock
community sample
Comparing the UPARSE
and UNOISE pipelines on species >97% similar This tutorial uses
data from the "Extreme" mock community described in the
DADA2 paper. I
took a subset of 50k reads from
using the fastx_subsample command
I'll assume your downloaded files are in
~/Downloads, if you downloaded to a different path then replace as needed
Make a top-level directory for the tutorials, change to that
directory and extract the data files using tar for the tutorial files. See
tutorial directories for description of
Extract the data files from the archives: mkdir -p ~/tutorials cd ~/tutorials tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/extut.tar.gz
Install the
sintax referennce database by running the setup_sintax.bash script, like this.
cd ~/tutorials/misop/scripts ./setup_sintax.bash Notice the
dot and slash (./) before
setup_sintax.bash. This tells the shell to look for the command file (script
or binary) in your current directory (dot means current directory). This is
needed if the current directory is not in your PATH. Tutorial scripts always
assume that they are being run like this, i.e. from inside the scripts/
The setup_sintax.bash script uses curl to fetch the data.
Some systems don't have curl in which case you can use wget. There is a wget
command in the script which is commented out so it's a simple edit of the
script to comment out curl instead.
There run.bash script runs the
UPARSE and UNOISE pipelines. Most of the
commands for UPARSE and UNOISE are the same, so I combined them into one
script that does both.
Run the pipeline script like this:
cd ~/tutorials/extut/scripts ./run.bash
This should reproduce the
pre-computed files in the extut/out/ directory.