annot | Annotate sequences as known, contaminant or chimeric (typically for mock sample) | |
cluster_otus | OTU clustering with chimera filtering (UPARSE-OTU algorithm) | |
cluster_otus_utax | OTU clustering by taxonomy prediction (UTAX algorithm) | |
otutab2biom | Convert tabbed-text OTU table to BIOM v1 format | |
search_phix | Screen input for matches to PhiX genome | |
uchime2_denovo | Filter chimeras in denoised amplicon sequences | |
uchime2_ref | Find chimeras by database search | |
uncross | Detect cross-talk from OTU table | |
unoise | Correct errors (denoise) amplicon reads, includes phix and chimera filters | |
unoise2 | Correct errors (denoise) amplicon reads, includes phix and chimera filters | |
uparse_ref | Classify mock community sequences (recognizes chimeras and read errors) |