aaout | Translated ORFs, FASTA format. | |
abskew | Min abundance skew. | |
accel | Accel parameter for UBLAST. | |
acceptall | Accept all hits. | |
alnout | Hits as human-readable alignments. | |
band | Min band width. | |
blast6out | Hits in -outfmt 6 BLAST+ output (same as -m8 for older BLAST). | |
ccnodesout | Connected component (one line per node). | |
ccout | Connected compontents (one line per cluster). | |
centroids | Cluster centroid sequences in FASTA format. | |
chimeras | Sequences classified as chimeric in FASTA format. | |
chunks | Number of chunks. | |
clusterout | Cluster output file, tabbed text, clusternr+label. | |
clusters | Clusters in tabbed text format. | |
consout | Output filename prefix, consensus sequences. | |
cover_query | Report sufficient hits to cover query sequence. | |
db | Database filename | |
dbaccelpct | Database accel parameter. | |
dbmask | Database masking (none, seg, dust, fastamino, fastnucleo, soft). | |
dbmatched | Database sequences that matched at least one query. | |
dbnotmatched | Database sequences that did not match a query. | |
dbstep | Database step parameter. | |
default_size | Default size for sortbysize. | |
discarded_labels | Labels of discarded low-complexity sequences. | |
distmi | Distance measure (id, sim). | |
distmo | Distance measure (id, sim). | |
distmx_brute | Brute-force calculation of distance matrix. | |
distmxout | sparse distance matrix. | |
distmxoutout | Hits for search_pcr. | |
dn | Pseudo-count prior. | |
eeout | Append "ee=X;" expected errors annotation to read labels. | |
eetabbedout | Output file, expected errors in tabbed text format. | |
evalue | Max E-value. | |
fastaout | FASTA output from some commands. | |
fastaout_notmerged_fwd | Unmerged fwd reads (FASTA format). | |
fastaout_notmerged_rev | Unmerged rev reads (FASTA format). | |
fastapairs | Hits as pair-wise alignments in FASTA format. | |
fastapairs_dots | Replace identities with dots in query sequence. | |
fastq_allowmergestagger | Allow 'staggered' merges. | |
fastq_ascii | ASCII base value for Q scores. | |
fastq_format | Format of FASTQ file (ill, 454, pacbio, ion) | |
fastq_label_suffix | Suffix appended to label of merged reads. | |
fastq_maxdiffs | Max number of differences allowed in overlap for merging. | |
fastq_maxee | Max expected errors in FASTQ read. | |
fastq_maxmergelen | Max length allowed for merged read. | |
fastq_minlen | Min length of FASTQ read after filtering. | |
fastq_minmergelen | Min length allowed for merged read. | |
fastq_minovlen | Min overlap of read pair for merging. | |
fastq_qmax | Max Q score allowed by FASTQ format. | |
fastq_qmaxout | Max Q score allowed by FASTQ format (output files). | |
fastq_qmin | Min Q score allowed by FASTQ format. | |
fastq_stripleft | Discard this number of bases at start of FASTQ read. | |
fastq_tail | Min number of bases in a FASTQ tail. | |
fastq_trunclen | Truncate FASTQ at this length. | |
fastq_truncqual | Truncate FASTQ read at first base with Q<=fastq_truncqual. | |
fastqout | Output file, FASTQ format. | |
fastqout_notmerged_fwd | Unmerged fwd reads (FASTQ format). | |
fastqout_notmerged_rev | Unmerged rev reads (FASTQ format). | |
format | Format for sparse distance matrix. | |
fulldp | Ignore hits with 100% identity. | |
gaforce | Force global alignment even if HSPs are below threshold. | |
gapext | String specifying gap extension penalty(ies). | |
gapopen | String specifying gap open penalty(ies). | |
hardmask | Mask by replacing letters with wildcard (N or X). | |
hspw | Word length for HSP finding. | |
id | Min identity (0.0 to 1.0) for search. | |
idprefix | Min number of identical bases at start of alignment. | |
idsmoothwindow | Window size for %id smoothing. | |
idsuffix | Min number of identical bases at end of alignment. | |
join_padgap | Letters to use for FASTQ join padding, default NNNNNNNN. | |
ka_dbsize | Effective database size. | |
ka_gapped_k | K for gapped alignments. | |
ka_gapped_lambda | Lambda for gapped alignments. | |
ka_ungapped_k | K for ungapped alignments. | |
ka_ungapped_lambda | Lambda for ungapped alignments. | |
label | Sequence label. | |
label_substr_match | Use substring matching for sequence labels. | |
labels | Input file, text format containing sequence labels. | |
leftjust | Reject hit if terminal gaps at start of alignment. | |
lext | Gap extend penalty for local alignments. | |
linebuff | Max length of a line in an input file. | |
linkage | Linkage type for agglomerative clustering (min, avg or max). | |
log | Log file for informational messages. | |
log_used_opts | Report all used options in log file. | |
lopen | Gap open penalty for local alignments. | |
match | Match score. | |
matched | Query sequences that matched the database. | |
matrix | Input filename, substitution matrix in BLAST format. | |
maxaccepts | Max number of accepts. | |
maxamp | Max amplicon length (search_pcr). | |
maxdiffs | Min number of diffs (subs+gaps) in the alignment. | |
maxgaps | Min number of gapped columns in the alignment. | |
maxhits | Max number of hits to report for one query. | |
maxid | Max identity (0.0 to 1.0) for hit. | |
maxp | Max number of parents to consider. | |
maxqt | Max query/target length ratio. | |
maxrejects | Max number of rejects. | |
maxseqlength | Max seqlence length (sortbylength). | |
maxsize | Min cluster size. | |
maxsl | Max shorter/longer length ratio. | |
maxsubs | Min number of substitutions in the alignment. | |
mid | Min match identity (0.0 to 1.0) for search. | |
min_cons_pct | Min conservation for consensus sequence. | |
min_sizeratio | Min size ratio. | |
min_unmasked_pct | Min fraction of sequence left unmasked. | |
minamp | Min amplicon length (search_pcr). | |
minchunk | Min chunk size. | |
mincodons | Min number of codons in an ORF. | |
mincols | Min number of columns in the alignment. | |
mindiffs | Mininum diffs to allow on each side of cross-over. | |
mindiv | Min chimera divergence. | |
mingroupsize | Min group size (rarefaction). | |
minh | Min chimera score. | |
minhsp | Min length of HSP. | |
minqt | Min query/target length ratio. | |
minseqlength | Min sequence length (sortbysize output). | |
minsize | Min cluster size. | |
minsl | Min shorter/longer length ratio. | |
minuniquesize | Min cluster size. | |
mismatch | Mismatch score. | |
mosaic | Report mosaic hits. | |
mosaic_minseg | Min segment size. | |
msaout | Output filename prefix, multiple alignments. | |
nast_delgap | Character to use for deletion gap in NAST output. | |
nast_locgap | Character to use for unaligned sequence gap in NAST output. | |
nast_padgap | Character to use for padding gap in NAST output. | |
nast_termgap | Character to use for terminal gap in NAST output. | |
nastout | Hits in NAST format. | |
nonchimeras | Sequences not classified as chimeric in FASTA format. | |
notmatched | Query sequences that did not match the database. | |
notrunclabels | Don't truncate sequence labels. | |
nousort | Don't use U-sort heuristic. | |
ntout | Nucleotide ORFs, FASTA format. | |
orfstyle | Options for ORF detection. | |
otu_radius_pct | Radius for OTU clustering. | |
otus | OTU representative sequences in FASTA format. | |
output | Output filename | |
output_no_hits | Report queries with no hits. | |
pattern | Pattern for spaced alignment seeds. | |
pcrout | Hits for search_pcr. | |
prefix | Output filename prefix, clusters. | |
qmask | Query masking (none, seg, dust, fastamino, fastnucleo, soft). | |
qsegout | Query sequence hit segments in FASTA format. | |
qualout | Append "qual=" Q score annotation to FASTA read labels. | |
query_cov | Min fraction of query covered by alignment. | |
quiet | Show only errors and warning messages on the terminal. | |
randseed | Integer seed for random number generator. | |
relabel | Re-label input sequences in output files. | |
reverse | Input filename, reverse reads for merging. | |
rightjust | Reject hit if terminal gaps at end of alignment. | |
rowlen | Length of alignment row for -alnout. | |
sam_softclip | Use SAM soft clipping. | |
samout | Hits in SAM format. | |
sample_pct | Sample fraction for sub-sampling. | |
sample_size | Sample size for sub-sampling. | |
self | Ignore hits with same label. | |
selfid | Ignore hits to identical sequence. | |
show_termgaps | Show terminal gaps in alnout. | |
sizein | Count "size=N;" annotations towards cluster sizes. | |
sizeout | Add "size=N;" annotations to cluster centroid labels. | |
slots | Number of index slots. | |
sort | Sort order (length or size) | |
sortedby | Sort order (length, size, other) | |
sparsemx_minid | Min identity to keep in sparse distance matrix. | |
strand | Strand for nt search (plus or both). | |
strict_newick | Convert labels that don't conform to Newick specification | |
subseq_end | End of subsequence (1-based coordinate). | |
subseq_start | Start of subsequence (1-based coordinate). | |
target_cov | Min fraction of target covered by alignment. | |
termid | Terminate search if identity < termid. | |
threads | Number of threads (default: one per core). | |
top_hit_only | Report only top hit (ties broken systematically). | |
top_hits_only | Report only top hits (including ties). | |
topn | Output only the first topn sequences (sortbysize, sortbylength). | |
tree | Input filename for tree in Phylip format. | |
treeout | Output filename for tree in Phylip format. | |
trunclen | Truncate length. | |
tsegout | Target sequence hit segments in FASTA format. | |
uc | Top hit/centroid assignment in uc format. | |
uc_allhits | Report all hits to uc output file, not just top hit. | |
uchime_abno | A=B, Q different is no vote. | |
uchime_countgapends | Count end gaps as differences. | |
uchimealns | UCHIME alignments. | |
uchimeout | UCHIME output. | |
uparse_annot_maxdivqm | Max divergence between query and model. | |
uparse_break | Chimeric breakpoint score for UPARSE-REF d.p. | |
uparse_match | Match score for UPARSE-REF d.p. | |
uparse_maxhot | Max nr of candidate parents to consider. | |
uparse_mismatch | Mismatch score for UPARSE-REF d.p. | |
uparsealnout | UPARSE alignment output. | |
uparseout | Output file, UPARSE tabbed format. | |
userfields | Fields to appear in -userout file. | |
userout | Hits in tabbed text as specified by -userfields. | |
weak_evalue | Max E-value for weak hit. | |
weak_id | Min identity for weak hit. | |
wordlength | Word length for indexing. | |
xa | Abstain vote weight. | |
xdrop_g | X-drop parameter for gapped alignments. | |
xdrop_nw | X-drop parameter for HSP-finding. | |
xdrop_u | X-drop parameter for ungapped alignments. | |
xn | No vote wight. | |
xsize | Delete "size=N;" annotations. |