USEARCH manual > options > uchimeout file
uchimeout file
The ‑uchimeout option specifies a tabbed text output file for the UCHIME commands uchime_ref and uchime_denovo. Fields are shown in the following table. If the ‑uchimeout5 option is specified, then the T field (#5) is not output so that the format is backwards compatible with USEARCH v5. See UCHIME scoring for explanation of the fields.
Field Name Description
1 Score Higher score means more strongly chimeric alignment.
2 Q Query label.
3 A Parent A label.
4 B Parent B label.
5 T Top parent (T) label. This is the closest reference sequence; usually either A or B.
6 IdQM Percent identity of query and the model (M) constructed as a segment of A and a segment of B.
7 IdQA Percent identity of Q and A.
8 IdAB Percent identity of Q and B.
9 IdAB Percent identity of A and B
10 IdQT Percent identity of Q and T.
11 LY Yes votes in left segment.
12 LN No votes in left segment.
13 LA Abstain votes in left segment.
14 RY Yes votes in right segment.
15 RN No votes in right segment.
16 RA Abstain votes in right segment.
17 Div Divergence, defined as (IdQM - IdQT).
18 YN Y or N, indicating whether the query was classified as chimeric. This requires that Score >= threshold specified by -minh, Div > minimum divergence specified by ‑mindiv and the number of diffs ( (Y+N+A) in each segment (L and R) is greater than the minimum specified by -mindiffs.

In v6.0.310 and later, may also be '?' indicating a weakly chimeric alignment with score between maxh and minh.